Brand: CL
Model: ASTP-620
Pictures are for reference only.
Embedded OS-based smart learning platform ; Intel® CPU Atom™ Processor ; 1.6GHz, 800MHz FSB, 512KB L2 cache ; 2.1W ultra low-power system, FCBGA package ; Hyper threading and 45nm technologies ; Ethernet, USB and Serial interface ; Touch screen resolution: 800 x 480 ; 124-point connector to connect an experimental module ; Integrated measurement board employing the 3-core CPU ; Installed measurement application software (OS: Microsoft Embedded) ; Multilingual selection and smart touch user interface control ;
§ Features:
• 1. This equipment should be all-in-one learning platform designed for smart engineering education. • A total of 11 types of measuring instruments such as an oscilloscope, digital multimeter, DC power supply, AC power supply, and function generator are installed in the platform. • 2. Basic practices in various engineering fields are possible through the insertion of PCB type experimental modules onto the main unit. • 3. Bread Board Module is provided together, so it is possible to practice circuit configuration using actual electric and electronic components. • 4. The USB/Serial/Ethernet communication environment enables interfacing with separate other devices and helps achieve the goal of differentiated smart education. • 5. A full-color TFT LCD with touch screen provides clear screen view and convenient user interface. • 6. The built-in integrated measurement board is equipped with a 3-CORE CPU to enable fast and powerful computational performance. • .7 The multi-lingual support can display each screen menu in various languages. • .8 Through the installed circuit design and simulation software, it is possible to draw circuits on the touch screen and simulate various circuits such as electric and electronic circuits, digital and logic circuits, power electronics, semiconductor elements, motor and generator, renewable energy, power conversion, vector control, automobile and electric vehicle, and automation system. § Technical Specifications: § 1. Platform (Advanced) § Embedded OS-based smart learning platform ; Intel® CPU Atom™ Processor ; 1.6GHz, 800MHz FSB, 512KB L2 cache ; 2.1W ultra low-power system, FCBGA package ; Hyper- threading and 45nm technologies ; Ethernet, USB and Serial interface ; Touch screen resolution: 800 x 480 ; 124-point connector to connect an experimental module ; Integrated measurement board employing the 3-core CPU ; Installed measurement application software (OS: Microsoft Embedded) ; Multilingual selection and smart touch user interface control ; Audio and video control functions § 2. Signal input (2-channel) § 1) Oscilloscope § Impedance: 1MΩ/20pF ; Max voltage: ±50Vp-p ; Bandwidth: 4MHz ; Sample rate: 40MS/sec; ADC resolution: > 10bit ; Voltage DIV: ±10/5/2/1/0.5/0.2/0.1/50mV/20mV ; Time DIV: > 22 times 1us~10s ; Trigger: Auto, Single, Stop Mode, Memory: Streaming to host. § 2) Voltmeter & Ampere meter § Measurement: AC/DC voltage, current, power(VA); Function: Mean value, Peak value, Peak-to-Peak value, Root mean square (RMS) value ; Range: Auto & Manual Mode ( > 9step 100mV~50V) § 3. Signal output (1-channel) § 1) Function / Pulse / Arbitrary Generator § Impedance: 50Ω/200mA ; Amplitude: 200mVpp, 2Vpp, 20Vpp (Max. 20Vpp) ; Frequency: 0.1Hz – 1MHz ; Range: 0.1Hz/1Hz/10Hz/100Hz/1kHz/10kHz/100kHz (7-step) ; Output waveform: Sine, Square, Triangle, Logic, DC Pos(+), DC Neg(-) § 2) DC Source § Range: 100mV, 1V, 10V ; Voltage Source: ±0 ~ 10V § 4. Digital input (digital analyser / counter) § Number of channel: 16 (Int. +Ext.) ; Input voltage: TTL/CMOS ; Max. voltage: 20V ; Frequency: 100kHz; Trigger mode: Low, high, DC ; Memory: Streaming to host ; Function: BIN (2-bit), OCT (8-bit), DEC (10-bit), HEX (16-bit) § 5. Digital output (Signal generator / timer) § Number of channel: 16 (Int. +Ext.) ; Output voltage: TTL/CMOS ; Output current: 3mA ; Max. voltage : ±15V ; Output frequency: 100kHz ; Memory : Streaming to host ; Function: BIN (2-bit), OCT (8-bit), DEC (10-bit), HEX (16-bit) § 6. Relay output § 8-relay COM, ; NO/NC (Normally Open/Closed) ; 24VDC / 1A § 7. Variable power supply § 1) 3-channel DC power § V1 voltage : DC 0 ~ ± 20V 1A ; V2 voltage : DC 0 ~ ± 20V 1A ; V3 voltage : DC 0 ~ ± 20V 1A § 2) 3-phase AC power § AC voltage : AC 14Vrms 1A (Resolution: 0.1V) ; Frequency : 1Hz ~ 150Hz (Resolution: 1Hz) § 3) Advanced 3-phase power § 8. Digital Multi meter § Voltage: DC 1V, 10V, 100V, AUTO § AC 700mV, 7V, 70Vrms, AUTO, 40Hz ~ 20kHz ; Current: DC 500mA, 2A, AUTO ; AC 500mA, 2Arms, AUTO, 40Hz ~ 5kHz ; Resistance: 100Ω,1kΩ,10kΩ,100kΩ,1MΩ,10MΩ, AUTO; Capacitance: 10㎋,100㎋,1㎌,10㎌,100㎌,1000㎌, AUTO ; Continuity diode: 1V, 10V § 9. Fixed power supply § Fixed voltage: +3.3V/2A, +5V/2A, ±15V/500mA (Common)• 10. Application software for measurement (installed in the main unit) § 1) Measurement control § All functions are directly connected to the equipment to control and to set up I/O values identical to actual instrumentation devices. § Oscilloscope: By setting the signal (voltage) value according to the time setting (22 values between 1us and 10s per time unit), you can display a waveform graph for each of the two channels, Channel A (yellow) and Channel B (blue), and compare waveforms. It provides XY (Lissajous’ figure) and trigger functions. § Power meter: Calculation of wattage is possible through the voltage input to channel A and current of channel B. § Voltage & Ampere meter: can select a measurement mode to measure voltage or current in two channels .There are five measurement modes: AV, |AV|, P, PP, and RMS. § Function generator: It provides the function of selecting basic output signals [sine/square/ triangle /logic/DC(+)/DC(-)]. § Pulse generator: The setting display window, voltage output level and frequency can be configured. It provides the function of controlling and adjusting the pulse output signal (unipolar/ bipolar/short pulse) and pulse width. § Arbitrary waveform generator: It provides basic waveforms such as sine wave, triangle wave, and square wave provided by the function generator. It also offers various types of other waveforms (All Sine, Half Sine, Sin(X)/X, Cosine, Tangent, Up Ramp, Down Ramp, Up Stair , Down Stair, and Noise). § DC source: DC voltage can be generated in the range from -10V to +10V. The range selection helps increase accuracy at the time of setting up the voltage. § Digital multi meter: The user can select a range for measuring DCV (DC voltage), ACV (AC voltage), DCI (DC current), ACI (AC current), short-circuit resistance (Beep), resistance, capacitance, diode measurement. § 3-channel DC power supply: Each channel of V1, V2 and V3 makes an output of DC voltage from -20V to 0V to +20V. (In case of short circuit in the output terminal or overload in the circuit of a particular experiment, the alarm goes off and the output of the power supply will be cut off for circuit protection.) § 3-phase AC power: The output voltages and output frequencies of V1, V2, and V3 output terminals are simultaneously varied. The accuracy of the output voltage is 0.1V, and the outputs of V1, V2, and V3 can be used for the Y/∆ – type AC power circuit. § Advanced 3-phase AC power: The 3-phase AC power (V1 ~ V3) can be adjusted as a percentage, and make a variable output. The phase shift of V2 and V3 is 0 ~ 359°, the clock frequency is 10 ~ 32kHz, and the frequency is 1 ~ 150Hz. It provides an arbitrary setting output function and an output waveform display function. § Digital input: The digital input data are displayed up to 16 bits on the touch screen and can be switched to four types of numeral system (2/8/10/16). § Digital output: The digital output data are displayed up to 16 bits on the touch screen and can be switched to four types of numeral system (2/8/10/16). § Relay: Eight relays can be individually controlled, and the status of N.C (Normally Close) and N.O (Normally Open) are displayed. § 2) E-book function• Format: HTML § The composition is the same as the experimental manual. The electronic circuit practice consists of 16 chapters whereas the electric circuit practice consists of 11 chapters. § Flash design for circuit connection § .The circuit diagram of experimental modules can be enlarged or reduced in the HTML document by scrolling the mouse. § 11) Circuit design and simulation software (Should be installed in the main unit) § C-language design (built-in compiler); Real-time control and measurement. Circuit design and simulation applications § Power electronic circuits, Electronic circuits, Power source or signal source design, Power system, Mechanical load, Renewable energy circuits, Electrical drive circuits, Digital logic circuits, Control circuits, Electrical system, Mechatronics system § Basic Electricity Package § 1) RLC circuit § Ohm’s law , Kirchhoff’s law , Superposition theorem, Norton’s theorem , Thevenin’s theorem , AC/DC voltage measurement , AC/DC current measurement , AC/DC power measurement , AC circuit (RC/RL/RLC) , DC circuit (RC) and transient phenomenon , Series-parallel combination logic § 2) Electromagnet• Basic principles of electromagnet , Characteristic of magnetic field , Characteristics of magnetic system, Switch and relay practices using a magnet § 3) Electromagnetic field § Principles of electromagnetic field Lenz Law, Faraday Law , Strength of the magnetic field, Drawing magnetic lines § 4) Characteristics of magnetic field , Electromagnetism Ampere’s Law, Direction of magnetic field, Flow of current § 5) Fleming’s Law § Motor and generator , Fleming’s Law § 6) Characteristics of coil § Magnetic induction § Mutual induction § Magnetic flux detection § 7) Basic semiconductor circuit § Characteristics of Diode and Zener diode , Rectifier circuit , Filter circuit , FET/SCR/UJT characteristics , Principles of LED § 8) Basic electrical circuit § Amplifier , Multistage amplifier , Cascade amplifier , Constant voltage circuit, Relay and touch control switch § 9) Electroacoustic amplifier circuit § Push-pull amplifier, Whetstone bridge, Sound control circuit § 10) Characteristics of electrical elements § CDS characteristics, Light control switch, Principles of thermistor, Temperature control circuit • 11) Oscillator circuit § • Blocking generator , Electronic bird sound generator , Astable multi vibrator, LC resonant circuit, LED flashing circuit. |
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