Brand: CL
Model: BIT-260
Pictures are for reference only.
Master unit carrying useful experiment resources like Power supplies, Computer Interface while the central slot will carry replaceable experiment panel secured in an ABS molded plastic sturdy enclosure. Has colorful screw less overlay showing circuit & its connection tag numbers for easy connectivity. Hands on learning emphasized. Set of Users Guide provided with each Unit.
Power Supply:
DC Supply +5V/1A, +12V/500 mA.
0 to 15V DC (Variable) / 100mA.
0 to -15V DC (Variable) / 100mA
RRM /BPM / HRM / Pulse Ox meter Ext
Panel: LED driver @ 350Hz
I to V converter circuit
Sample & hold circuit
Blood Pressure Sensor (300 mm Hg) mounted inside panel
Shares MIC with pre-amplifier and loudspeaker with Audio amplifier from Master Unit Band pass filters (11Hz & 1.6Hz)
Analog wave to square wave converter
Wheatstone Bridge
Instrumentation amplifier circuit (Gain=x50 & x1)
ECG / EMG Study Experiment Panel: Buffered 3 lead Einthoven triangle creating 6 measurement combinations using 2 pole 6 way Rotary Switch
Instrumentation amplifier (Gain = 10/100)
NIV amplifier (Gain= 10 to 100)
1 no. of isolation amplifier
Span zero amplifier.
Gain = 2 to 20
Notch filter (50Hz)
HPF or DC blocker
LPF or High pass noise suppressor
Battery operated body signal measurement for safety
ECG signal simulator
Learning Facilities:
Plotting & measurement of ECG, EMG, EOG waveform
Study of band reject (50Hz notch) filter.
Working with simulated ECG signals.
Optionally EEG Measurements.
Ultra sound HRM + Audiometry Experiment:
Ultrasound HRM: Transmitter @2.14MHz RF Oscillator
Receiver@2.34MHz detuned RF Amplifier, diode detector, band pass filter (1.3Hz Center Frequency), AC amplifier with gain 7, notch filter (band stop filter) 50Hz.
Audiometry: Audio tone generator with built in LS Amplifier (Frequency range 20Hz-20KHz), swept tone (FM sweep) generator using wobbulator (warble)
noise generator (pink noise) with built in LS amplifier
3P-4W Rotary selector switch to select Audio or noise signal with Right or Left or Both ear’s at a time, User response switch, optional PC Based GUI.
Learning Facilities:
Heart Rate Measurement (HRM) using Ultrasound sensor
Study of Detuned Amplifier
Study of Band pass Filter (1.3Hz)
Study of Notch Filter (50Hz)
Audiometry (To check hearing sensitivity of patient/user)
Detachable Sensor Modules / Electrodes:
Pulse oximeter probe / Module.
Lie detector with CAL & temperature sensor.
Sphygmomanometer/blood pressure apparatus.
Electronic stethoscope probe / Module using Electret MIC.
Learning Facilities:
Pulse ox meter / Plythysmogram (HRM)
Respiration rate measurement (RRM).
Lie Detector based on skin impedance change.
Blood Pressure Measurement (BPM) using Korotkoff’s Method
Blood Pressure Measurement (BPM) using Oscillometry method
Heart Rate Measurement (HRM) by using Electronic stethoscope
Study of Band pass (11Hz) filter to plot frequency waveform for HRM
Study of Band pass (1.6Hz) filter to plot frequency waveform for Oscillometry method
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